Mike Evans Gold Medal from USATF

Mike Evans At USATF

The USATF Championships happened recently, ambassador Mike Evans competed in the 10,000m event. With great success Mike came home with 7th overall and 1st for his age group! Quite the accomplishment, and the Skinny Skis team would like to send a congratulations his way for the stellar performance. We were able to catch up with Mike and ask him some questions about the event! 

Was this your first time attending the event? 

“This was my first time attending this event. I wanted to see how I stacked up against other fast guys my age.”

What were you looking forward to the most at the event?

“I was looking forward to racing against other guys my age on a national level, and competing on the track. Also, to represent the Jackson crew the best I could!”

How have you been training in the area to get ready for the event (trails you like to run, gear you like to use, etc.)

“The majority of my training in Jackson mainly takes place on the roads, gravel and paved. Occasionally I will hop on trails for a workout here and there. For trails, I like to train up on Game Creek or over on Snow King, but it usually depends on what the specific workout calls for. For some of my speed workouts i’ll go over to the track at the high school.

My favorite piece of gear is my shoes, I strongly think that the right shoe is the most important piece of gear when it comes to running. After most of my runs I’ll drink my Momentous protein drink for optimal recovery.”

What were some of your favorite memories of the event?

“My favorite memory of the event was watching the race play out to a ‘T’ to what I was planning. My goal was to be somewhat aggressive off the gun, hold on to that pace for a mile or so, then pick it up after that, hold on until the last 2 miles and give it all I had! I didn’t want to be uber focused on my time, so I just wanted to keep my pace, and it worked out! When everyone started to slow down, I just held that aggressive pace and just kept picking them off. Super fun when it all works out!”


It was great to catch up with Mike Evans after the event, and we’d like to again congratulate him on the stellar performance!

See full set of results here.